Chelsea’s Rates and Services

I help writers shape stories that stand out in slush piles.

If you’re powering through a first draft, stuck on the seventh, or polishing up your submission packet, I want to help. 

I’m a reader, writer, marketer and absolute nerd who earned my MFA in Writing from the Vermont College of Fine Arts in 2023. In 2024, I began an internship with the Tobias Literary Agency, where studied submission packets (query letter, synopsis, pitch, and sample), provided edits for picture book drafts, wrote editorial letters for Kidlit and Adult manuscripts, and generally gained insights into the publishing industry.

Now, I want to use those skills and experiences to help writers sharpen their work before they submit.

I’m not here to line-edit or proofread your work. I want to help you shape your story and submission packets so you can enter slush piles with confidence.

Sound good? Let’s connect!

*For all services, please send me a 1-2 page double spaced letter outlining your goals, what you want me to know about your work, and any questions you want me to address in my feedback letter.

Hype Read

In-document comments that show you exactly where I got excited

  • 2-4 double-spaced page love letter discussing the parts I loved about your manuscript (what’s working, what I’d love to see even more of, where I laughed out loud, etc.)

$400 for a manuscript up to 100,000 words

$500 for a manuscript up to 150,000 words

1-2 week turnaround

Submission Packet Review

In text comments on your submission packet (query letter, pitch, synopsis, and your first three chapters) and 1 page of feedback summarizing the comments and suggestions for revision.

  • A second round of feedback on your revised submission packet

  • $100

1-2 week turnaround for the initial review

1-2 week turnaround for revisions review

Note: Submission packet requirements (especially sample page counts) vary agency-to-agency, and often agent-to-agent. Many only take the first 10 pages. I offer up to three chapters based on my agency internship experience, and the fact that that’s one of the longer sample sizes I’ve seen in my own experience.

Editorial Assessment

In text comments on your full manuscript

  • A 4-6 page editorial letter outlining what’s working and what could be improved

  • $.02 per word

2-4 week turnaround